Le Crétin? Ma collection d’histoires emportées par le vent!
Le Crétin? My collection of stories carried away by the wind!

Biking the RAMROD ride around Mont Rainier, a 240 kilometers bike ride, on September 4th, 2024.

Sailing in Croatia. This was taken in Lastovo, on July 9th, 2024.

Hiking around Le Grand Combin, Suisse, July 4th, 2024. With the whole family.

Hiking around Le Grand Combin, June 2024, with the whole family.

Gravel Ride from North Bend to Lake Eaton, June 22nd, 2024.

This was the sunset at the top of Mauna Kea, on Hawaii Big Island, on February 18, 2024.
Skiing in Switzerland at Grimentz.

Climbing Hurricane Ridge from Sequim. The lodge burned, so they only allow a limited number of cars up per day….
Van Isle 360
This was taken at the start through the Seymour narrows, BC, on June 6th, 2023.

This was June 2022, at the RS Aero World Championship.
Iceberg Regatta
Some say it’s not very windy in Seattle. They are wrong!

Glacier peak, active volcano, Cascades, USA.

Biking, Walla Walla.

The seas of my youth are not made of liquid water, but of floating clouds.

Huahine Sunsets, French Polynesia

Rays in French Polynesia, Moorea.
Wedding Cuts
Magnolia, Seattle, 2022.

Poème dans la tourmente
Et le navire au loin s’efface dans l’ombre,
sa vague disparaît, le temps le tourmente
d’avoir en cale une blessure flagrante,
Et autour du mat tournent nos âmes sombres.

The Zyiix Manifesto
This document presents a philosophy constructed on the theory that consciousness is at the center of the universe we experience.
What will remain
From the scaffolding of our life
Is the masterpiece of our memories.

Our Vows
May those mountains bear witness,That on land or at sea,I choose you to cross this humble parcel of timeThat is…

Insignia Tower, Seattle, WA, USA.
Little RS Aero Reaching
Just another day on the water!

Exploring Fidalgo Island, WA.

Pacific NW Offshore race, 2022. We won our division abort SV Fortuna, a C&C 115. Great racing! Results, track.
Sharp edges to polish
Statues to shape
Wood to carve
A cathedral of never-ending work

Cold February Sails. RS Aero Training. 2022-02-06.
Getting people
Getting people right is not what living is all about anyway. It’s getting them wrong that is living, getting them wrong and wrong and wrong and then, on careful reconsideration, getting them wrong again. That’s how we know we are alive.
Bringing Up The Net
Bringing up the nets while fishing near Kumarakom, India. We were observing this ancestral fishing method from our kayak.

Exploring Munnar, Kerala, India. 2021-11-21.
Life is absurd. Fill it with ideas!
Most us are forgetting that from the beginning of our life, we are approaching death. Life is absurd. But you can fill it with ideas. With enthusiasm. You can fill it with joy.

Aurora Borealis on top of Canada’s empty tundra. November 2021.

Lettre à Mes Parents
Le 19 novembre 2021. Parfois, je me réveille la nuit et je ne peux plus dormir. Mon esprit tombe dans…
The Dice
The dice cannot see its dots.

Today didn’t end as well as expected.Boat is still shiny, just a few more scratches.Couldn’t right it back up with…

The wind died off.The clouds opened.Not the worse Friday afternoon landscape.

Sea, sail and snow.

Lettre à Un Vieux Rêveur
24 Octobre 2021 Je n’ai jamais vécu l’époque où une lettre était le seul moyen de communiquer – une époque…

Blue skies after a week of rain.A boat and a small fleet.The music of the sails.Mountain peaks covered in snow.Flocks…

Mediterranean sunsets. Murtos, Greece.

Exploration of Leukerbad! No surprise my parents like it there. The lift pass gives you access to 3-4 different hot…
When the Wind Calls
15, gusting 25 knots. A fun day!
Summer Heat
Escaping the summer heat by taking the breeze.

PNW Offshore report: the ride up from Illwaco to the mouth of the straight of Juan de Fuca was a…

Everything flows. In Oregon, it just flows greener.

Dramatic Monday Skies…

“Look, the big blue bubble is flying again”! Great day out on Fortuna around Vashon Island yesterday. She is stretching…

Seattle from mailbox peak. Someone dig the mailbox out.

Riding into the sunset, form Shilshole Marina, Seattle, WA.

Some people sleep in, some people sleep out on the deck crossing locks and bridges. Ballard Locks, Seattle, WA.

14 miles of Sunday sailing painted on a world of white clouds and silver seas. Today was almost as black…

A tongue of sand licking the tides… And enough wood given back by the sea to build a solid raft…

Sail Thursday, ski Friday. Feels it’s already the weekend! Took the 7m out not knowing how strong it would get…

That’s not me, but might be me soon. Back to the roots. After Optimists when I was a kid, Lasers…

From the desert of the deep ocean to the vast space of the far west. This month has been one…

Changing a broken halyard offshore and having to sit on the jib at the bow for half an hour gently…

Back on the Pacific. See you soon, Atlantic.

Luna Rosa
This is the graphic story of one of the sailing trip of Luna Rosa, a sailboat I helped take south to the Canaries Island in December 2020.

Here we go again! Crossing the Atlantic on a sailboat. A Pogo 12.50!

Travelling and COVID-19: a Model to Time Quarantine and Exposure Risks
You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. – Jack London

Across Continents
Four years ago, my dad pushed me to take a job offer coming from the other end of the world. I discovered an America that I like – Seattle, a vibrant city, but yet close to nature and the sea. One day, I met someone I could not get off my thoughts. Together, we speak more than five languages of four different roots, share three cultures, and have a life across three continents. Our relation is for me also a reminder that borders, and politics, are entirely man-made – that nature knows no frontier. That cultures are to be experienced, not feared. That similarities are much more important than differences.
Nous n’avons pas tout le temps
Cette pandémie peut nous réapprendre à compter le temps. Engoncé dans notre routine de tous les jours, nous avons tendance à oublier notre linéarité. Le brusque changement de mode de travail vers le tout virtuel a cassé ces routines suffisamment pour nous faire prendre un pas en arrière. Ce qui reste après ça n’est plus le cycle des années, mais la linéarité d’un but – retourner à une notion de normalité. Ce but, cette linéarité, nous prédispose à réévaluer comment nous nous percevons dans ce monde. A nouveau, tout semble avoir un début et une fin, surtout notre propre existence. Et avec cette réalisation vient le besoin d’agir.

When you go sailing and you find a message in a bottle in the middle of the bay…. Dating from…

“The cure for anything is saltwater – sweat, tears, or the sea.”― Isak Dinesen

I don’t think we have those trees in Switzerland. Franklin Falls, Snoqualmie, WA.

Shilshole Marina’s evenings…

Those sleeping giants have been there longer than the few thousands of years our civilizations have been around. Chances are…
Back On the Water
After a month spent locked down, it was great to get out on the water again! – Maender

Bande dessinée: Can’t Hear You
« Can’t Hear You » est une bande dessinée qui a été initialement publié sur une base hebdomadaire pour laisser tout le…

Graphic Novel: Can’t Hear You
“Can’t Hear You” is a graphic novel that was originally published on a weekly basis to let everyone in love…

We were lucky to get a good hiking day to see Mt Fuji from the caldera of Hakone. In front…

Kyoto’s sunsets.

Tokyo, as you would imagine it in the rain.

Got a rainy Japanese start. Went to ask Buddha to change that. Temples in Tokyo, Japan.

A little tour into a world without borders… TeamLab Borderless, Japan

Sailing is the most expensive way to go somewhere for free they say… I guess that plays a role in…

One of those mornings for rooftop coffee. Seattle, from our rooftop.

Looking forward to get snow. This is a hint – it’s almost there. Skis are ready.

Nobody felt like doing a third race but turns out, we had a few cool surprises! Racing in front of…

When you wake up and you know the day is yours. Camping in front of Mt Rainier with my sister.

Last sunset of #vanisle360 . When I moved to the US, I did not imagine the PNW’s unique panel of…

When you get a lost friend sailing with you offshore. Oregon Offshore Race.
Fuck Yardwork
Last ski day of the 2019 ski season at Stevens Pass, Washington State, USA, with unexpected spring snow! – Maender
Just another biking day
Many people have painted a picture of the USA as not being suited for biking. It is an overgeneralization. Seattle,…

Seattle rooftop season started last weekend.

Last week, New York City…

Blake Island Race!

Novel: And Mankind Created Mankind
What would happen if we could create automated medical centers capable of perfectly controlling our DNA and of creating perfect beings with an enzymatic equilibrium making them virtually immortal? What would be the limits of life as…

La souffrance charpente-t-elle l’univers ? Ne suis-je qu’un nœud dans la discorde, étiré à n’en plus finir, éparpillé aux quatre coins du monde ? Qu’un amas sans lien ni attache autre que le passé, et le futur ? N’ai-je pas été, oui, dans cet écho, l’ombre d’un millier de vies, et ces vies ne se sont-elles pas enfuies dans le chaos, brûlant tout sur leur passage ?

Shallow Water
One day
My grandfather took me apart
He told me
You went to America and came back
I knew you would leave again
I wish I had answered back then
That I would never forget him nor them
That they would remain islands
Floating on my distant heart

Back in the PNW. Little snow. But enough snow. And new view new place… Still have to go to the…

My grandfather used to say that the future belongs to people who wake up early. Neuchatel, Switzerland.

Waiting for the sunset 🌄. Mayen de l’Ours, Switzerland.

Ski ⛷️, cabin 🏔️ , Neuchatel, family and friends!

Because we are wild and free! Big Sur, California.

Who said you couldn’t ski at Thanksgiving, huh? Welcome to Whistler!

Quiet. Escape. Look down and find the sky. Chuckanut Mountains

Someone has good dinner ideas 😊. Oyster Bar, Skagit.

Looking forward to see my mountains again! ⛷️ Will be back in Europe in a month!

Let’s fly baby! ⛵ Round The County (RTC) race!

Early start from Anacortes! Round The County (RTC) Race!

The right way of spending a rainy Sunday afternoon. With a Syrah from Walla!

It is wet in Necklace Valley. Mushrooms everywhere. And someone forgot a friend along the way. But what crossed my…

In Europe, we use to say that when the Mont Blanc has such a cloud, bad weather is coming. Not…
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
“One of history’s few iron laws is that luxuries tend to become necessities and to spawn new obligations. Once people get used to a certain luxury, they take it for granted. Then they begin to count on it. Finally they reach a point where they can’t live without it. Over the few decades, we have invented countless time saving machines that are supposed to make like more relaxed – washing machines, vacuum cleaners, dishwashers, telephones, mobile phones, computers, email. We thought we were saving time; instead we revved up the treadmill of life to ten times its former speed and made our days more anxious and agitated.” -Yuval Noah Harari

Happy to see something again. Thanks BC for the wildfire smoke! ☀️

Misty day. Leaving space for imagination beneath the clouds. Ira Spring.

Some people asked how spending a long time at sea does not get boring⛵🌊. There are a lot of reasons….

Not a bad view to wake up to for a Saturday morning! 🏔️ We had the mountain for ourselves. Hidden…

To understand me, you need to understand the appeal, the freedom that sailing brings. I’ll never forget Turkey’s coast!

Who would have thought that there was such a desert 2 hours away from Seattle? Yakima Canyon.

Who said we could not play cards on icebergs on an alpine lake?

Climbing Helens and skiing down under a burning sky!
Transatlantic Crossing
In 2018, we set sail on a transatlantic crossing from Horta, Azores, to La Rochelle, France. The crossing took us…

La Tène, a last family trip before the big leap across oceans.

Tu es né pour voyager et ne jamais rester en place
Ce texte a été écrit dans l’avions alors que je me rendais a Seattle depuis la Suisse, pour commencer un…

Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg.
Hyperion Cantos
“Yes, we weave real fabric things from the dreams tuff of mathematics, but the universe is hardwired with arithmetic. Scratch a circle and pi peeps out. Enter a new solar system and Tycho Brahe’s formulae lie waiting under the black velvet cloak of space/time. But where has the universe hidden a word under its outer layer of biology, geometry, or insensate rock?” – Dan Simmons

The Future of Programming Literature
Yes, we weave real-fabric things from dreamstuff of mathematics, but the universe is hardwired with arithmetic. Scratch a circle and…

Roman: Et l’homme créa un homme
Qu’arriverait-il si l’on pouvait créer des centres médicaux automatisés capables de contrôler parfaitement notre ADN et de générer des êtres sans défaut avec un équilibre enzymatique les rendant virtuellement immortels ? Quelles seraient les limites de la vie telle que…

Roman: Le songe
Quatrième de couverture Au large des côtes françaises, peu avant la guerre d’indépendance des États-Unis d’Amérique, un marin surnommé Le…

L’appel des goélands – l’histoire d’Édouard Bren
Un matin d’automne 1753, aux alentours de midi, lorsque le soleil berce la campagne d’une paresseuse chaleur, apparut sur le chemin poussiéreux qui menait à un petit village un garçon sale et maigre. Comme venu de nulle part, ce dernier…

Building Cathedrals
Let us start by seeing how the great cathedrals, Chartres and Notre Dame, were made within a pattern language…. There…

TEDx du futur
Déjà les retardataires attendaient debout au fond de la salle, cherchant des yeux quelques places pouvant les accueillir. L’université d’Hawaï avait fourni son plus grand auditoire pour la conférence, mais il ne faisait aucune doute que la réputation de DNArt le rendait petit aux…

― Ach, Nein ! Pas encore ! Jura Frère Tobias en voyant les derniers pans de toiture s’embraser. Ses congénères d’église…

Le Soleil de l’ombre
Cher Monsieur d’Arlengesque, Ci-joint un récit sur lequel j’aimerais bien que vous posiez vos yeux en qualité de Maître du…

La bière charbonnière
Il venait de loin. Il était connu pour être un grand prêcheur sur son île du nord, depuis les forêts…

La plus vieille maison d’Ecosse
Cela ronflait à tout rompre dans la chambre du comte. Ni le soleil de midi filtrant par l’embrasure des lourds…

Roman: Gorée
Il y a la mer, la terre, et l’amour…
La mer est une maîtresse jamais vraiment conquise, dont on ne peut mesurer la puissance qu’en connaissant ses caprices. Mesurer sa puissance, c’est…

Une énigme de chair
Cité vorace et étrangère, fourmilière de compétences, buveuse d’espoirs et de rêves, muraille de bras et de jambes, de têtes…

Kastelorizo, a small Greek island only a few miles away fro Kaç, Turkey. A beautiful, colorful island. As soon as…

Koh thaï
C’était un après-midi carabiné de soleil sans un pouce de vent et du sable plein l’horizon. J’étais arrivé après eux sur Koh Wai et je flânais de solitude entre les roches de la plage, observant d’un œil d’iguane refroidit les touristes de la masse dorer leurs chairs molles sur la plage engluée. Il y avait dans l’air cette senteur propre au Siam et aux pays d’Asie, ce…
« Les auteurs modernes s’accordent à reconnaître que toutes les religions du monde sont nées de la peur ». Premier chapitre du « Manuel pour l’Humanité » de Buddhadasa Bhikkhu.

Pilier de marbre d’une Foi éternelle,Sous mon rouge plateau tournant ou coule mon sang,Soutient l’édifice doré de mes veines,Ou chemine…

Morrocco, and the Atlas.